How Leticia Peguero Builds Cultures of Care …
By Mandy Van Deven
Creating the conditions that enable courageous transformation is a tricky thing, particularly in a sector like philanthropy that is notoriously slow to change. In a field where 92% of foundation presidents and 83% of full-time staff are white, many are rightly questioning whether philanthropy is equipped with the leadership it needs to make progress on social justice and racial equity. The sector won’t change with more of the same. It needs people who can be translators and build sturdy bridges between boards, staff and communities. Peguero’s leadership reflects a moral clarity, intentionality, skill and vision that is as durable in a storm as it is on a sunny day.
Read the interview in its entirety in Inside Philanthropy.
How Foundations Can Make a Difference After Puerto Rico’s Latest Natural Disaster
It all begins with an idea.
By Karina Claudio Betancourt and Leticia Peguero
Soon after the New Year, Puerto Ricans woke up to a new reality: The earth had shaken so hard it pushed most of us out of bed. With power out and the island in total darkness, we took to the streets to speak to our neighbors about what was happening …
Read the op-ed in its entirety in The Chronicle of Philanthropy.
Photo by Ernesto Tapia on Unsplash
En La Lucha Necesaria
By Gloria Ruiz Kuilan
Peguero fue vital en traer a la isla la tercera convencion anual de la Coalicion Grantmakers for Girls of Color. El evento mostro el liderazgo de jovenes a traves del mundo en pro de ninas indigenas y negras …
Read this article in its entirety in El Nuevo Dia.
Hay Otra Forma: Another Way to Realize Justice
It all begins with an idea.
By Leticia Peguero
Over the past few years, I have tried to make #HayOtraFroma trend on social media. This hashtag is so relevant to me because it literally means that there is another way. In my professional and personal circles, we wholeheartedly believe that there is another way to do our work, care about this planet and live and fight for just communities and sustainable societies. We believe in loving our communities and healing from historical traumas. We believe in the power of speaking our truth. We know that #HayOtraForma …
Read this post in its entirety on the Andrus Family Fund blog.